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The following products are available in Yiddish:

Prefixes/Suffixes Workbooks - Yiddish

Rabbi Winder's workbooks for the prefixes/suffixes. Set of 5 workbooks, Aleph - Hey.



Prefixes/Suffixes Sorting-Cards - Yiddish

Matching cards for the 4 Grammar banners.


Climbing Har Sinai Workbook - Yiddish

Workbook for learning the 303 shorashim sequentially as they appear in the Chumash!


Climbing Har Sinai Vocabulary Cards — Yiddish Version

303 Shorashim cards with Chassidish-friendly pictures, and Yiddish text on back


Climbing Har Sinai Vocabulary Expansion Kit - Yiddish

Provides four matching cards for each vocabulary word: Yiddish, Hebrew, Passuk, and Picture.


Lashon Hatorah Dice - Yiddish

Dice for all 303 Vocabulary words, and the Prefixes/Suffixes


Lashon Hatorah Yedids - Yiddish



Lashon Hatorah Command Cards - Yiddish

Helps the child systematically 'blend' his knowledge of the Shorashim and Prefixes/Suffixes.


Timeline Picture Cards - Yiddish

43 cards

Available in the following formats: 8.5x11, 4x6, and 4x6 Stick Pictures.

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